If I Could Change the World

Time to do January again. Start exercising. Start shedding old habits. Start over. But wait. Before I start on the difficult subject of MYSELF . . . how about I take the easy route and change the world first. Yeah, that’s it!

I could easily change the world with just one little tweak. Steven Covey would call it a societal paradigm shift. In my native language (which I refer to as "motherese") it is called, "Listen up."

Here is my official 2003 "Listen Up" Proclamation For Change.

"Men and women of all nationalities, cultures and creeds . . . GROW UP and stop treating sex as a toy!"

If everyone would just do this ONE little thing . . . many of the world’s problems would simply evaporate in less than a generation. Pernicious problems like pornography, abortion, AIDS, teen pregnancy, abandonment of children by parents (particularly fathers) who don’t want to take responsibility for their part in creating babies, sexually-related diseases, prostitution, destruction of families by "other" women and "other" men, domestic violence and the sticky webs of spousal and child abuse. There would be fewer struggling single parents, fewer prisons, fewer hungry children, fewer people in therapy, fewer people who need therapy but can’t afford it and fewer prescriptions to fill. There would be a need for fewer laws and fewer professionals trying to enforce and regulate them. Who knows? There might even be something worth watching on TV.

So, there you go. My proclamation for changing the world. I happen to think it would work.

And now . . . I must get back to the more difficult January task at hand. Starting to put fewer things into my mouth so I can lose the three pounds I gained over the holidays.

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