A Grandparent's Beattitudes

by Renee Hawkley

Blessed are those who smile, for their wrinkles turn up instead of down.

Blessed are those with gray hair, for they have built-in halos.

Blessed are those who wear glasses, for their eyes twinkle.

Blessed are those who are hard of hearing, for they listen with their hearts.

Blessed are those whose steps are measured, for they are not in a hurry.

Blessed are those whose breath is short, for their patience is long.

Blessed are those who are puzzled with today's music, for they sing the old songs.

Blessed are those with more than one chin, for their chins jiggle when they laugh.

Blessed are those with bent and clumsy fingers, for their touch is gentle.

Blessed are those who watch races rather than run them, for their applause is loudest.

Blessed are those whose brains are slow to remember, for they are fast to forgive.

Blessed are those who are going through their second childhood, for they understand those who are going through their first.

Blessed are the poor in worldly goods, for they have treasures of character to share.

Blessed are those who keep silent about their pain, for they shall not be one.

Blessed are those whose bodies are worn out, for their spirits are worn in.

Rejoice and be exceeding glad, for great is the reward of those who embrace a second chance to be . . . if not a perfect parent . . . at least a "grand" parent.

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